Installing the WIND/X Display Driver for GEM In order to install this graphics driver for GEM: NOTE: This driver only works in the 1024x768 mode.More drivers will be available as they are released. 1) Install GEM as described in the doucumentation included with the software. If GEM is already installed on your system, go to Step 2. 2) Go to the subdirectory where GEM is installed. Example: C:\> cd\gemapps\gemsys 3) Place the WIND/X Driver Disk in drive A and close the door. Copy the files from the GEM directory. Example: C:\GEMAPPS\GEMSYS>COPY A:\GEM\*.* 4) To ensure that the mouse will work correctly, you must run the GEM installation program to reset the mouse type. Do the following: 4a) Get the original GEM distribution disks and put the one labled "SYSTEM MASTER" into drive A. Close the door, and goto A by typing "A:". 4b) Run the installation program by typing "GEMSETUP". 4c) When prompted, choose 'Change existing configuration', 'Continue', 'Change current setup', and then select the mouse entry. Reset the mouse even if the setup looks correct. 4d) Answer the rest of the questions, saving the new setup. 5) Run the application as before, by typing GEM. Example: C:\> gem